Living in the Rose City for the last 20+ years, roses are almost a common occurrence not to mention the very beauty International Rose Test Garden itself. Here’s a recipe that will capture their very essence in a liqueur.
2 cups of red rose petals
1 L of Everclear 190 proof neutral grain spirits
10 tablespoons of sugar for the roses
2 ½ cups of sugar for the syrup
1 L of water
Crush the rose petals with 10 tablespoons of sugar in a mortar. Put the rose and sugar mixture in the alcohol in an airtight jar. Let soak 15 days. Make a syrup with 2 ½ cups of sugar in the water. Filter the alcohol and add the syrup. After week filter again bottle and let rest for another month before serving.
This liqueur is a hazy medium red, with a moderate nose of floral alcohol, and aromas of lemon, rose and hints of green bell pepper. The taste is sweet and smooth full-bodied rose, with flavors of raspberry and lemon peel with a smooth and dry finish.

Put one part of Red Rose Rosolio in one part of vodka and a shaker. Sprinkle grapefruit zest in the shaker and shake. Put a white rose blossom in a frozen cocktail glass and pour the rose flavored vodka on it.
Pour one part of Red Rose Rosolio and four parts of champagne in a frozen flute.